Monday, March 16, 2015

Ellen Shankin

Image result for ellen shankin 

Ellen Shankin
This is a short "get to know her"  video.
Everyday Ellen dedicates herself to her work whether it be altering pots from the day before or working on  a series and trying to transform a ball of clay into what she pictures in her mind. I like how she described what a series of work is to her, she describes it as throwing a pitcher and looking at it and saying "I would like that belly a little bigger or lower",  doing that and looking at it after it is sitting there.. That belly is too low and trying again. I like her passion she puts into each pot. she recollects when she was younger that all she wanted to do was  "play" in the clay.

Ellen said most of the time in her work she will alter a pot from a round form to a square, rectangle or oval form. She likes alter the form. she described making the same teapot over and over again and people asking her why she was still making the same old teapot. she responded by saying there is just something about it that I can't stop making it.

I love the way she glazes her pots. It makes them look so rustic and appealing to me.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Ron Mueck

Image result for ron mueck
     As I was flipping through Pintrest  I came across one of Ron Mueck's sculptures and was instantly intrigued. I love how each of his pieces are very realistic even though they are giant size or very small. He is so detailed in his work,for example he makes sure that if the sculpture needs goose bumps he gives them to them. 
As I watched this time lapsed video I was pleasantly surprised that after he sculpted the baby he then makes a mold for it. it was very interesting for me because I have been making molds for my installation piece, not on this scale but it has been a next don't do that because it doesn't work that well kind of adventure. his mold was done over very many steps. He used a fiberglass cast system from what I can tell. There is commentary in the back ground but it is very soft and it is hard to understand what is being said. 

The picture on the right is Woman with Sticks.he give every detail from the strain in her arms to the determination on her face. She almost looks as though she will fall over backwards from strain. Ron has a lot more sculptures and they should be checked out.